4 SEO Basics You Need to Follow

If you run an online business or a website, or manage a New York SEO company you already know how important SEO is for determining the success of your venture.

Simply put, SEO is one of the cost-effective digital marketing forms which can help you boost the traffic to your website organically. However, that is easier said than done. Enhancing your website’s traffic with the help of SEO is not an easy task as it seems to be.

Truth be told, no one-size-fits-all SEO solution would be beneficial for all websites. But if you keep the spirits high, you can gradually achieve the desired results by adopting the best SEO practices. For example, plagiarism negates the benefits SEO brings to your business so it’s always a good call to use a plagiarism checker after writing final draft of your article.

You also need to keep an eye on the latest trends in the industry, which you will find in the infographic below!

Let’s check out some of the most important SEO tactics and trends to follow in 2019.

Do Not Ignore Title Tags

Title tags are just like introductory keywords that tell search engines what the page is all about. As of October 2018, Google processed 10.34 billion explicit core search queries and you’d like to be a part of that story. Title tags play a huge role in this process. They should be unique for every page and should not contain more than 55 characters including spaces.

Using a dash in between the keywords and a pipe at the end before the brand name is considered to be one of the best SEO practices.

Meta Descriptions Are Important

Metadescriptions are extremely important as they provide brief info to the users about what the page they have landed on.

It is highly recommended to write a spellbinding unique meta description for each page of your website with a recommended length of 150 to 160 characters. Further, avoid using non-alphabetical characters or quotes in meta descriptions as Google removes them during processing. 

Relevant and Unique Content

It is essential to have unique and relevant content for your website with the best use of targeted keywords to keep Google happy. Multiple pages with the same content will run the risk of getting rejected by search engines, and in turn, your website’s search ranking will suffer. 

Header Tags and Keyword Phrases

Aheader tag, also known as the H1 tag, is like a subject line of that particular web page. Try using the keywords in this tag to drive more traffic to this page. You can also use the H2 tags if there are multiple subheads present in the page.


Experts agree that SEO is a long-term process, so don’t expect the results overnight. The key here is to follow the best SEO practices and post quality content, generate quality backlinks, and be persistent in your efforts.

To get more insights into SEO and other related aspects, check out the infographic below:

Source: https://seotribunal.com/blog/stats-to-understand-seo/

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