Why Original Shark Tank Star, Kevin Harrington, Wishes He Had Reputation Rhino Years Ago

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Meet Kevin Harrington

Shark Tank Star and Successful Entrepreneur 

Inventor of the Infomercial
An Original Shark on Shark Tank
Fortune 100 Investor
Best-Selling Author
Star of Kevin Harrington TV

Kevin Harrington is one of the pioneers of the "As Seen On TV" industry. He has been a big proponent of branding for the past 40+ years. With over 1,000 products launched in over 100 countries,  Kevin has created billions in sales and successfully taken 21 companies past the $100 million dollar mark.  I’ve even written a book called How To Become a Key Person of Influence, all about building a personal brand.

In anticipation of the explosive potential of digital media, Kevin sold all of his AsSeenOnTV assets and transitioned to digital media investment. He now sits on the board of directors for multiple companies and has created over $10 billion in value. 

When Kevin landed on the front page of TMZ due to a lawsuit, his impressive reputation was instantly damaged online.  It took an online reputation management company to restore his reputation and wipe the slate clean–something he never could have done on his own. 

After learning about the impressive work Reputation Rhino does to build brand visibility, protect your online reputation, and even repair it when needed, Kevin became a partner at Reputation Rhino.

Now knowing just how important a positive online reputation is to your brand, he can share with entrepreneurs the chance he never had, to work with professionals to build your brand visibility and protect it.

Kevin Harrington

Are you ready to protect your online reputation?

Welcome to the Tank

Kevin’s Solid Reputation Helped Him Become a Shark on the Popular ABC show, Shark Tank

Kevin On Shark Tank:

Serial Entrepreneur For 50+ Years
Inventor of The Infomercial
An original shark on Shark Tank
Pioneer of the "As Seen On TV" industry
Over 1,000 products launched in over 100 countries
Created billions in sales including taking 21 companies past the $100 Million mark
Over $6 Billion In Sales

Kevin Harrington is one of the most successful businessmen in America, and he’s also one of the original sharks on ABC’s Shark Tank. Kevin shot 175 different segments for Shark Tank, and he’s also been involved in updating the show for its current format.

For Kevin, Shark Tank is another opportunity to empower entrepreneurs to achieve success. He knows what it takes to build a successful business from scratch, and he uses his experience and insights to help entrepreneurs on Shark Tank. Thanks to Kevin’s advice, many entrepreneurs have been able to turn their businesses around and achieve massive success.

George Foreman

The Snuggie

Tony Little

Ginsu Knives

Kim Kardashian




Dual Saw

The Ninja

Warren Buffet

”It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.”

Legendary Magnate, Investor & Philanthropist

Is your online reputation in need of repair? Book a call with an online reputation expert

A Tanked Reputation

A bad comment, review, or rating can TANK sales and completely derail an otherwise successful business.


Kevin woke up one morning and found that he was on the first page of TMZ but NOT in a good way. As a public figure or even an entrepreneur in general, you are subject to attacks in the media, without anyone knowing what the real stories are.  

Stories, even untrue ones can quickly spread all over the internet for people to see and pass judgment without all the facts.

Because of the negative exposure he received, he had long-time business partners question his ethics. He had new potential partners just disappear. In the end, he lost out on a few great deals that cost him millions. But worse yet, he lost some good friends and business associates over something that they read online!

So believe us when we say your reputation is EVERYTHING.

Not only was Kevin able to get his reputation back on track but he also partnered with us to make sure that people and businesses all across the country have the same tools for online reputation.

Protect Your Brand

Protect and Improve Your Online Reputation Today With Reputation Rhino

At Reputation Rhino, we have over 10 years of experience in public relations, and we know how to get the best results for our clients. We specialize in removing negative reviews and content, improving SEO, website development, and promoting a positive online image. With our award-winning team of attorneys and experts, we are the one-stop-shop for all your online reputation management needs. 

Kevin Harrington

See exactly how Reputation Rhino can improve your reputation and brand influence. Book an action plan call today.

Protect Your Brand

Protect and Improve Your Online Reputation Today With Reputation Rhino

At Reputation Rhino, we have over 10 years of experience in public relations, and we know how to get the best results for our clients. We specialize in removing negative reviews and content, improving SEO, website development, and promoting a positive online image. With our award-winning team of attorneys and experts, we are the one-stop-shop for all your online reputation management needs. 

See exactly how Reputation Rhino can improve your reputation and brand influence. Book an action plan call today.

George Foreman:

The George Foreman Grill, known as The Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine, is a portable electrically heated grill that makes grilling indoors without gas easy and as common as stove-top cooking. Not only is this inexpensive grill a staple in most American kitchens, it’s also a great example of how powerful celebrity endorsements can be for a product.



The original Snuggie blanket we all know and love, is a functional wearable fleece blanket with sleeves. Designed to keep you warm while leaving your hands free to flip the remote, read a book, or pet your dog! Perfect for lounging, the Snuggie blanket As Seen on TV is a household phenomenon that took America by storm.


Tony Little:

Tony Little, "America's Personal Trainer” is best known for his fitness infomercial products. Little has since built a fitness empire– his infomercials have generated more than $3 billion in product sales. He is responsible for popular fitness products such as the Gazelle glider which was co-created by his colleague Bryan Williams a Fitness Quest.


Ginsu Knives:

As Seen on TV, Ginsu Knives are ultra-sharp and ultra-durable, making them a cost-effective addition to your kitchen. Made popular by infomercials, the original Ginsu commercial first aired in 1978 and aimed to make all other knives obsolete. Using tactful branding and marketing, these Japanese-inspired knives won over American cooks everywhere and has been a household name ever since.


Kim Kardashian:

Not many people don’t know this name and her iconic family– but the Kardashian family is responsible for a number of successful brands on the market today. From the SKIMS line to KKW Beauty, KKW Fragrance, and more.



Celsius Live Fit pre-workout drinks are a uniquely blended formula packed with clean energy and key vitamins with low sodium and zero added sugars, no preservatives, and no artificial colors or sweeteners. These delicious drinks are available in a variety of different products and flavors–making it the essential energy drink for active lifestyles.



The FoodSaver® FM2100-000 Vacuum Sealing System keeps food fresh up to 5x longer, reducing food waste. Form and function combine with a sleek, compact design and easy-to-use manual operation to preserve a variety of foods. Along with new technology to minimize bag waste. Named one of the five best food vacuum sealers on the market in 2022, FoodSaver® has allowed many households to save thousands of dollars per year by buying in bulk and freeing up storage space.



The DualSaw is a beastly handheld saw with two blades that rotate in opposite directions, and can cut through just about anything! The DualSaw was made popular by dynamic infomercial personality, Billy Mays and was soon a household name.


The Ninja:

The Ninja brand is known for its stellar quality and effective product line. More than just a blender, the Ninja Professional Plus is a “kitchen system” that combines a countertop blender, a personal blender, and a food processor all in one. This multitasking appliance can crush ice, blend smoothies, chop vegetables and even knead bread.



Peeps® by CarbonKlean eyeglass cleaner is an efficient and durable ground-breaking carbon microfiber technology designed specifically for cleaning eyeglasses, sunglasses, and reading glasses. Peeps® uses a unique dry-clean, substance free technology–an invisible carbon cleaning compound to safely and easily remove residue buildup on eyeglass lenses that is also used exclusively in space by NASA to clean glass.

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