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What is is a consumer protection Website that offers a forum for reporting scams and provides information for other consumers, sharing details on how a person or company took advantage of a customer or client. In theory, posting information on can help other people avoid falling for the same deceptive business practices.

Scams, frauds, ripoffs, and other deceptive business practices can reveal themselves differently. Some of the most common scams include:

  • Attempts to Obtain your Personal or Financial Information 
  • Buying or Selling Fake or Defective Products or Services Online
  • Dating or Romance Scams
  • Fake Charities 
  • Get Rich Quick / Investment Scams -MLM Scams 
  • Jobs and Employment Scams 
  • Online Threats or Extortion 
  • Unexpected Winnings or Money

The problem with a website like is that anyone can post and say anything they want.

Reputation Rhino’s knowledgeable and passionate team of experts are ready to apply their best online management strategies to improve your online reputation. 

Our reputation management strategies for companies & individuals are highly effective and designed to…

Build brand awareness
Generate Positive Online Media Coverage
Promote Positive Online Reviews
Suppress Negative Online Search Reviews
Establish trust, authority, and expertise with a powerful online presence
Protect Your Online Reputation
Increase Online Customer Awareness
Remove or Bury Fake or Negative Online Complaints
Defend Against Competitor’s Smear Campaigns
Increase and enhance your company’s online visibility

Book A Free Strategy Session Call Today To Start Managing Your Reputation

What is Online Defamation / Cyber Libel?


Misleading or fake scam reports and other false negative reviews on ReportScam may meet the definition of online defamation.

Cyber libel or online defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer measurable harm.

A successful claim of online defamation or cyber libel will include:

  • The unprivileged publication of the statement to a third party — in other words, a note in a diary is not actionable 
  • If the defamatory matter is of public concern, fault amounts at least to negligence on the part of the publisher 
  • Measurable damage to the plaintiff

One bad review may only bring down part of the company. When an individual targets a business with multiple fake scam reports claiming illegal or fraudulent practices, it can have serious consequences.

You can prove online defamation with the help of a lawyer or contact a reputation management company to learn about your options.

Why is it Difficult to Remove Content from

If you know the individual who posted the review, ReportScam will allow the original poster to delete their complaint 60 days after publication.

However, because users on Report Scam can remain anonymous, to identify the individual(s) who posted a negative review about you or your business on, you may have to first file a legal action to “unmask” the individual(s). Courts are sometimes reluctant to compel the disclosure of an anonymous poster – trying to balance the right to free and anonymous speech and the right to use the legal process to discover the identity of someone who allegedly committed the offense of libel. The process can be long and expensive, and even if successful and you have identified the individual, you next have to take steps to have the content removed from

To remove a report from, two formidable legal obstacles stand in your way – section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) and Fair Use.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act can include reviews and scam reports about companies because of protections afforded by section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA). This law provides broad immunity from liability for content posted by third parties. can avoid legal responsibility for the reviews posted by others on its website, even if the reviews are false or defamatory. To enjoy immunity from liability, the following elements must be satisfied:

  • The party must be a “provider or user” of an “interactive computer service.”

  • The cause of action asserted by the plaintiff must “treat” the defendant “as the publisher or speaker” of the harmful content.

  • The content must be “provided by another information content provider” — the party must not be the “information content provider” of the harmful information at issue.

Fair Use

Fair Use allows a person to use copyrighted content without permission from the owner, with certain limitations.

Common examples of fair use include commentary, search engines, criticism, parody, news reporting, research, and scholarship. Reviews are often characterized as commentary or criticism, so claiming a copyright violation and removing a post from is difficult. A review site may also be able to use a company logo or website screenshot and claim fair use.

How to Use DMCA to Remove Copyright Content from

An effective DMCA takedown notification would require to remove a post with copyright infringement or selectively remove the infringing content.

Copyright infringement is a serious offense, and the DMCA is a very effective tool for content removal.

A DMCA notice would require you to include your contact information, details on the copyrighted material, and details about the content infringing on that protected material, a signature, and a statement that you have “good faith belief” that the offender did not have the authorization to use your copyrighted content and a statement that the information in the DMCA is accurate.

Ensure to include all the required points in the DMCA takedown notification, then find out who is the designated DMCA agent for To find out the information for submitting a DMCA to, use the contact information on their Contact Us page.

Once received by the website, a DMCA takedown notice should usually result in the automatic removal of the content on If you are claiming a DMCA on just an image, they may decide to leave the remainder of the post live.

a woman

How to Remove a Post on

The broad immunity afforded by the Communications Decency Act and the doctrine of Fair Use makes it very difficult to remove a post from, but other options are available.

Contact an online reputation management service company to ensure fast and effective removal of posts on

Suppose you are a victim of online defamation or cyber libel. In that case, you understand how a hateful comment or review 0n a website like Report Scam can damage your personal life or business.

Reputation Rhino can remove a post on

Ask about our 100% money-back guaranteed removal service for

Let Us Help Clean Up Your Online Reputation!

Reputation Rhino's Team of Award-Winning SEO Experts will help you stay relevant and in your targeted audience’s searches, promote a positive online image, and produce more high-quality leads that drive sales.

Your information will always be safe with us. Clicking this button will open a box to input contact information details.

Got questions? We've got answers!

What is is a consumer protection website that provides a platform for individuals to report scams and share information about deceptive business practices. It aims to help consumers by exposing fraudulent activities and warning others about potential scams.

How does work? allows users to report instances of scams, frauds, rip-offs, and other deceptive practices they have encountered. The website acts as a forum for sharing information, helping consumers avoid falling victim to similar scams.

What types of scams are commonly reported on covers a wide range of scams and deceptive practices, including:
Attempts to Obtain Personal or Financial Information
Sale of Fake or Defective Products or Services Online
Dating or Romance Scams
Fake Charities
Get-Rich-Quick or Investment Scams (including MLM)
Jobs and Employment Scams
Online Threats or Extortion
Unexpected Winnings or Money

Who can post on

Anyone can post information on However, this openness can lead to potential misuse, as individuals can post false or misleading information.

What is online defamation or cyber libel in the context of

Online defamation or cyber libel refers to the publication of false statements about another person or entity that causes measurable harm. In the context of, this can occur when misleading or fake scam reports harm the reputation of individuals or businesses.

Why is it difficult to remove content from

Removing content from can be challenging due to several factors, including:
The ability of the original poster to delete their complaint after 60 days.
Anonymity of users, making it difficult to identify those who posted negative reviews.
Legal protections like Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and the doctrine of Fair Use.


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