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The digitization of public records and the online availability of primary legal materials are very useful for the online community. They are easy to access, free, and a valuable public resource. is one of the most popular online legal resources in the world and is a great place for finding case law, codes, regulations, and legal information of interest to lawyers, businesses, students, and consumers.

However, court records can be easily misinterpreted and misleading — suggesting wrongdoing or unlawful conduct. The records available on websites like are often incomplete and fail to adequately convey the complexity of a legal proceeding by sharing all of the pleadings and filings that may be available. Even when the public records are complete, if you are not a skilled legal professional, you may reach incorrect conclusions about facts and laws that can damage an individual's or a business's reputation.

Reputation Rhino has helped hundreds of clients remove or suppress negative content online. We can advise you on removing court records, case law, and other personal information from

What is is a valuable resource for court dockets, filings, and legal opinions from federal and state courts. obtains its information from official records but acknowledges that it is not in the entirety of what is available in public records.

Justia is an excellent resource for finding public records online, and it can save a lot of time you would normally spend searching for court information.

What is Online Defamation / Cyber Libel?

According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, online defamation is the creation of false statements to ruin someone’s reputation.

Online defamation, also called cyber libel, is a malicious act that can lead to a court order to remove web content.

Online defamation and cyber libel claims are more complex when dealing with a public records site like

The information published on is public records, and acts more like a distributor of online content than a publisher.

Reputation Rhino’s knowledgeable and passionate team of experts are ready to apply their best online management strategies to improve your online reputation. 

Our reputation management strategies for companies & individuals are highly effective and designed to…

Build brand awareness
Generate Positive Online Media Coverage
Promote Positive Online Reviews
Suppress Negative Online Search Reviews
Establish trust, authority, and expertise with a powerful online presence
Protect Your Online Reputation
Increase Online Customer Awareness
Remove or Bury Fake or Negative Online Complaints
Defend Against Competitor’s Smear Campaigns
Increase and enhance your company’s online visibility

Why is it Difficult to Remove Content from

Since court dockets, filings, and opinions are in the public record, Justia will only fully remove items from its database with a court order marking such records under seal or designating them for removal from the public record.

The Privacy Policy refers to the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), stating that the court records on count as Personal Information and are exempt from the “right to know” and “right to request deletion” provisions.

You may wish to request your public records to be filed under seal. Filing under seal allows sensitive or confidential information, commonly found in legal proceedings, to be filed with a court without becoming a matter of public record.

If the filings are under seal, the records will not appear on or any other public records Website.


Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

Judge gavel with Justice lawyers, Business woam in suit or lawyer working on laptop and documents. Legal law, advice and justice concept.

Section 230 in the Communications Decency Act protects websites like from liability for publishing or republishing information provided by third parties.

It protects the owner, host, and internet provider from liability for the content published on a website.

“No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.”

Section 230 further states,

“[n]o cause of action may be brought, and no liability may be imposed under any State or local law inconsistent with this section.”

Digital Millenium Copyright Act

Websites that host third-party content — such as blogs, bulletin boards, social media sites, and even legal resources sites, like, are treated differently than newspapers, television, and radio broadcasters.

If a website host did not have legal immunity, there would be countless lawsuits relating to online content, and the courts would be forced to investigate the truth or falsehood of potentially every statement of fact or opinion.

Few websites would risk publishing third-party content for fear of a lawsuit, which would chill freedom of speech.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act states that the host is not liable for what people submit or post on the site.

Male lawyer discussing negotiation legal case with client meetin

Fair Use

Fair Use allows for the reuse of previously copyrighted content under certain circumstances. When most people think about Fair Use, they think about copyright-free images that are free to use, such as sharing content on Facebook or Instagram, but Fair Use applies to all types of content, including written content.

Unfortunately, the Internet has made it very easy for others to steal content and repost it as their own. That would not count as Fair Use because they discredit the actual owner of the copyright. Fair Use only applies in certain situations and has been the subject of frequent litigation. When in doubt whether the content is fair use, ask for permission or consult an attorney.

How to Remove a Post on

There are several ways to remove public court records and other personal information from

You may need a court order to remove public records from, including real estate records, court records (filings), birth, marriage, and divorce records, and motor vehicle data.

Requests to remove publicly available information from websites like, including private information revealed in evidence, pleadings, or other documents (such as exhibits, affidavits, and transcripts) that are part of the public court record, must be made in writing and be accompanied by an order from a court sealing or redacting the records — essentially making the information subject to the court order non-public information.

Removal of information on will typically be limited only to the records identified by the court order, so it is important to contact an online reputation management company or an experienced attorney who can advise you.

Reputation Rhino can help clients remove or suppress records on that damage your personal or business reputation. Contact us today!

Let Us Help Clean Up Your Online Reputation!

Reputation Rhino's Team of Award-Winning SEO Experts will help you stay relevant and in your targeted audience’s searches, promote a positive online image, and produce more high-quality leads that drive sales.

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Got questions? We've got answers!

What is is a valuable online resource for accessing court dockets, filings, and legal opinions from both federal and state courts. It provides access to official records but does not include the entirety of what is available in public records.

What is Online Defamation or Cyber Libel?

Online defamation, also known as cyber libel, involves the creation of false statements with the intent to damage someone's reputation. It can lead to legal action for the removal of defamatory web content.

Why is Online Defamation Complex on

Online defamation claims on are complex because the information published on the platform is considered public records, and acts as a distributor of content rather than a publisher. This complicates the process of content removal.

Why is it Difficult to Remove Content from does not fully remove items from its database without a court order marking the records under seal or designating them for removal from the public record. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) exempts court records on from certain privacy provisions.

What is Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act?

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act provides legal immunity to websites like for content published by third parties. It shields website owners, hosts, and internet providers from liability related to user-generated content.

What is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)?

The DMCA applies to websites hosting third-party content, like, and protects them from liability for copyright infringement claims related to user-submitted content.


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